Wheel Of Fish

Yeah, I know it’s heresy but I’m with you on this. Rowing your own is fun, and I miss my old car, but CVTs aren’t all that bad. I drove a manual for 12 years before trading it in for a car with a CVT 1.5 years ago.

I moved on to a new car in mid 2017 but I still quite often miss my 2005 Legacy GT.  It was a good 12 years.

Ohio has these too, they’re ridiculous.

There better be a competing Matchbox movie in development for near-simultaneous release.

I don’t recall any terror when I started driving. I had supportive parents and a good instructor so that probably helped.

I am, so are quite a few other people I know. We have no idea if it will good and expect it to be a colossal box office flop either way. The budget is nuts. Should be weird either way.

Interesting, I do monitor my speed so I don’t think I have this bias. If I am steadily approaching the car in front of me the first thing I check is my speed to see if I am in fact being the idiot.

There’s some awfully big healthy looking trees that I don’t imagine I’d expect to see on a planet alternates between scorching and freezing them to hell most of the time.

Assuming the drive shafts are parallel, and somehow combined (presumably) at the back, I think aside from B8 which nicely graphically represents the concept, the only other alternative is P8 for Parallel-8.

They seriously live in la-la-land and have no memory.

It wouldn’t be good, but it’d be better without the shiny on it.

I’d generously call them “meaningless”

Well that’s good, everything’s fixed now.

my feels

Same here, look at our meaty tires!

I miss my 05 Legacy GT 

Fortunately there are other sources that track long term reliability for brands and models.

That is a disappointing limitation for this study.  It seems like they are applying that same rule to the overall list of brands but it would be nice if they didn’t, or were more clear about whether they are or aren’t.

Ahh, it sounded like you were misinterpreting him as advocating against polarizers.  I come and go from my relationship with my many filters, depending on what I’m doing and what I’m after. 

He’s saying the polarizer doesn’t work on all the reflections in a single shot the same way - its directional. Even in the example photos in the article you can still see reflections that could be minimized by turning the polarizer. I’m not going to get in to the details but suffice to say that is the best way to

Games like this and Hellblade give me hope.

If I’m looking to watch video I’ve gone to YouTube or an equivalent site. I essentially never watch the ‘home grown’ videos on any of the tech blogs or other sites like this I follow.  If they’re embedding someone else’s short videos or trailers I might watch it but video is used extremely inefficiently to communicate