Wheel Of Fish

Subnautica is tiny, as games go, in may respects. The entire playable area takes up less than a 4 by 4 kilometer square, and maximum depth is around 3000 meters.

Yeah that’s fair, and I don’t expect it to be Subnautica.  There’s just a certain something to how Subnautica portrayed the deep that I hope NMS can at least approximate, even if it’s only partially.

Yes yes, but how Subnauticay is it? Because I have $50 riding on another copy so I can play in 4K

I knew exactly what image you had shared and all I could see before I scrolled down was the top few millimeters of his hat.

If they can get remotely close to the feel of exploring underwater in Subnautica with this expansion, I’ll buy a new copy for my Xbox One X just so I can play in 4k.

I’m sure Pagani is mad they didn’t get to do the bendy carbon flappy bits first on a new special version of the Huayra.

Taking down towers?  So it is a Ubisoft game after all.

A long overdue change.

It’s more of a setback for someone buying a used car because they aren’t covered, but usually one buys a new car with some likely similar intentions in mind. Quite possibly they want to be able to drive around in the vehicle they spent money on.

I’m with you there. Had my last from-new car for 12 years and am a year and a half in to my current car which I also bought new. Plan to drive it until it no longer meets my needs or is no longer worth keeping on the road.

worth the tickets

Oh you dear sweet young child.

It must suck to have you as a neighbor.

Really disappointed with this. I would have said bring Sabine up to regular, or find someone else to join Rory and Chris.

I’m not sold on the whole LED thing, I’ve tried some as well and it seems to vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Aside from the color shift (if only they would use warmer color temp bulbs), some of the brands seem to produce a near identical light pattern to the halogens, just more of it. That included better

Yes, shit does happen. It should not happen normally/on every project. If it does you’re overpromising or have other issues. Either way, if you’re having to throw in that much extra time you deserve compensation, not just a pat on the back. And the project should probably be reviewed to figure out why it happened so

As far as I’m concerned, it should be actively discouraged.  The problem is it’s expected across all levels and unrealistic expectations and timelines are the norm.  

I’d say the price gap is usually bigger than that, re: Snap-On.

Ah, well I don’t know then!

I think Lucio yells “boop” so I’m guessing that’s where it started.