Wheel Of Fish

If it ever ends.

That initial time to get in to a game is sometimes the hurdle I have a hard time overcoming. I also never have enough time to play all the games I want, and I tend to go back to games I know a lot just as a sort of gaming comfort food. Those are rarely single player/narrative games though, I have a hard time playing

I’m glad it wasn’t the genuine article, but still :(

Wanted to say the same thing. Really satisfying when you nail this corner. There’s a few others on Suzuka I feel the same way about.

I’ve been seeing so many references to these films lately in comments all over the place.  I’m good with that.

It’s weird, we were all getting them, I don’t think there was a single one of us that didn’t get at least one drop during that time.  Sorry to hear that’s not working out for everyone :/ 

They were dropping left and right when I was playing with clanmates the other day.  I kept going hoping I’d get a masterworked gun, never did but I still got three of them in maybe 60-90 minutes of play.

Cherry Pomegranate has been featured in our household a lot lately.

Cherry Pomegranate has been featured in our household a lot lately.

I was thinking the same thing!  Holy crap that car has some weird proportions.

Since they automatically set profiles to private when they implemented the feature, that’s where mine has stayed.  

OK, this is just stupid.  Even moth memes managed to get a few chuckles out of me.

Sure, it’s true, but it’s not exactly useful from a policy making standpoint, particularly with respect to what action to take regarding climate change.

Are they taking lessons from Gary “the sun will eventually encompass the earth” Johnson?

There’s nothing political about facts.

the roads must roll

Yeah, this is kind of sad.  My car has all of these things and they’re not really terribly complicated to understand.

Christ almighty, what is wrong with people?

I play partly solo and partly with friends or a clan.  For me it’s a mix.  I enjoy just playing, but also like when the game rewards me with something periodically.  In year 1 it did a better job of that than it does in year 2.  The fact that my enjoyment isn’t completely tied to the loot grind means I’ve not given up

Year 1 Destiny 2 was much better in that regard.  You weren’t showered in them but you’d get them at a sensible rate.  I hope they see fit to do some more tweaks to Destiny 2 to better balance these things.

Of course it’s just luck in the end, it’s possible someone will get what they want a lot faster. That said, it’s the illusion of variety that’s padding it out in a crappy way rather than actually having a variety of interesting gear.