Wheel Of Fish

Right? In year one, before I even hit 300 I had started assembling a full set of armor that i could eventually masterwork (or replace with masterworked versions). I was infusing it with dyes, and could upgrade it as I went otherwise. I lost relatively little and I could have a build that I thought looked good and had

A lot of this is what I don’t like about Forsaken. I still don’t have any armor pieces I care about but I finally have a few legendary weapons that I will probably masterwork and infuse to upgrade when I can. I’m at light level 525 roughly right now.

This is a car I’d love to get to drive, and realize I probably never will. That said, in every racing game that has them I always buy and mildly tune this car, and usually drive it a ton.  Particularly in Forza, it’s always been one of my go-to cars.

The only things I apply shaders to now are speeders (whatever they’re called) and ships.

This is a large part of what I don’t like about Forsaken. Overall I still think it has done a lot of good things but my character’s appearance and arsenal just don’t matter anymore. I’m not using a gun because it looks the best, or armor because it looks cool, I’m using it because it has the perks I want.

I would like to have an Edge Transit.

I’ve been wanting this!

Who needs a fork?  Open wide!

The random rolls are easily the worst part of Forsaken.

Yeah, really annoyed that they’ve done it this way.  Give the option of different ways to complete it at least.

Also Nintendo: we don’t know how to do hard things so we’re doing it the easiest/laziest way possible.

Indeed.  I’ve allegedly been born on the first of January of many years!

Well, OK, I don’t have to blame Steam for this then.

As much as I generally deride Sony’s interface for many things (and Xbox’s too), this is one where I definitely think they’re leaps and bounds better than Xbox.

No!  Shut up!  I’m not old, you’re old!

Yeah, I consume a vast swath of Internet by RSS, and use just a couple social platforms. I watch a fair amount of certain YouTube creators specifically for their content (not a single one of them is like either of these doofuses), and watch other things in the background, and I had no idea who these people were aside

Eesh, I almost never like these special game-inspired controller or console designs. This is a tough logo to make work, but it doesn’t work like this, and those grips don’t work.

The only console/console accessory of that type I’ve ever bought is the Forza Xbox One controller.

This is such a difficult topic, and others have touched on what really needs to happen already. I think it’s just interesting to reflect on the surface of it: you did not want to play a game with guns in it after these events.

No kidding, the article should have lead with this!

This is nonsense. This was a stupid article when The Verge published the same thing a week or two ago, and it’s still incredibly stupid now.