And he has always been and will forever be wrong!
And he has always been and will forever be wrong!
Huh, I was approaching this with overwhelming indifference, but that is pretty bad.
Just as Forza is removing them.
I’ve got a PS4 copy and PC... I’m thinking I might just restart my PC game from scratch since I never played it much there (got it during a big sale so I could dabble in mods). My PS4 game on the other hand does have a lot of hours on it back when the game launched.
That seems to be the case with a lot of Ubi’s work lately. As borked as The Division was in various ways, at least it was different for a bit. I’m not going to remember it as fondly as I do Far Cry 3 though.
I mean, I do find it to be an interesting topic. I am a dude, and I am aware of the fact that I’m probably mostly playing with other dudes.
One of the friends I play OW with is female, she uses voice chat, and I never really hear her getting any trouble. That said, I have certainly read a lot about female players…
Having not played Primal, I do agree 4 refined bits of 3, but I don’t think it added anything to make it a memorable experience. It was just more of the same in teh end.
I just want to meet and play with chill, mature people. I don’t really care what they are or who they are, I’ve never even thought to look for a particular type of group.
The one female friend I have who I play with mains Mercy, but will play other supports some, and probably prefers D.Va most of all her other options. Most of the people I have known who I still game with are guys, she’s the only one with OW, so it’s not a big sample size.
I recently played FC4 and I don’t really feel like it was that great of an accomplishment. It’s OK, but the weakness of the formula is showing strongly at that point. Far Cry 3 still felt like it had that special spark when I played it back in 2013.
it’s so cute!
It was pretty solid, I was always disappointed they didn’t get to make the full trilogy I think they planned on.
Is it that easy now? I just recall it being a “you can do it but nothing works right” situation.
Is it that easy now? I just recall it being a “you can do it but nothing works right” situation.
I imagine you can pay extra to remove those after the fact.... never have bothered to do so with my Kindle.
I imagine you can pay extra to remove those after the fact.... never have bothered to do so with my Kindle.
Ehhh, I understand what they’re doing and I have a hard time calling it wrong. It’s a similar problem I run in to with photography. I enjoy working in subtle shades, and dark imagery from time to time. I have good screens that I’ve calibrated at home so I can accurately determine what’s going to be visible on screen…
Critics said a lot of things, I don’t really recall “it looks bad” being among them.
Yeah I never connected the dots on the fact that the same people had a hand in both games.
I heard that said by a number of people, I will never get far enough in the game to find out and none of my friends played it either so I couldn’t try their accounts to see if it is really true.
I almost envy that, I wish I enjoyed the game because on paper it sounds great! I just couldn’t come to terms with the physics model.
I agree, I tried The Crew and the physics ruined it for me.