Naw, games are too damn long and I am hesitant to start so many because of the time investment. Horizon: Zero Dawn is sitting on that pile of “I have it, I want to start it, but will I ever finish it?”
Naw, games are too damn long and I am hesitant to start so many because of the time investment. Horizon: Zero Dawn is sitting on that pile of “I have it, I want to start it, but will I ever finish it?”
After seeing this Sunday I immediately added it to my wishlist on Steam so I can know when it’s available to go buy for my Switch.
Some good news after the sad news about LeBlanc planning to leave Top Gear.
At least the name also made sense given it was on Channel 5 (at least initially, not sure about long term).
Yeah, I’m not throwing any money at them for either game right now. I’m trying to be optimistic in that I hope they get these games right, but realistically I’m afraid that even if they launch without any BS, they’ll just add it in later.
Agreed. Really disappointing move, especially bringing back the Westwood and Command & Conquer names for this.
In fairness, a lot of sarcasm is bad, just like his supposed use of it.
quit being butthurt, it’s not a good look
ok guy
In a way I kinda agree. I had a sedan for 12 years after driving nothing but family owned or hand-me-down wagons growing up/in college. Call it my rebellious phase: “what would it be like if I just learned to drive stick on this turbocharged, AWD, midsize sedan?”
this has been entered in to my headcanon
that’s not the point, but ok then
I remember seeing these around when I was in middle & high school and thinking they looked really classy.
I have to agree, in fact, I often feel that way when design and tuning shops do a body rework. It’s often busywork or it just looks like crap layered on top of the original car’s design.
I just scrolled by another headline about this and my immediate reaction was “what?”
I’m almost more surprised they’d use a song with MILF stated repeatedly, considering what it means/what the letters stand for.
Well if it ends the same way, it’ll be a fun game.
Yeah, I have all three consoles in their latest forms, but PC is still home for me.
fuck the heat!
Saw it Tuesday and overall enjoyed it. It had good atmosphere, good pacing, the characters were all decent enough, and even though there were some silly plot points, it is Star Wars after all.