Wheel Of Fish

People generally fail completely when it comes to onramps. I have watched people be oblivious on both ends. People on the highway sometimes seem to actively block merging traffic by accelerating to match cars on the onramp (in fact, this happened to me recently, she didn’t even seem aware of what was going on around

Your comment is a solid 5/7

THIS is the biggest challenge with it to me. Once you have role select you have to deal with comps. Maybe I want triple tank, maybe I want 2-2-2, maybe I just want at least one healer and one tank... well what does Blizzard offer? Do they severely restrict the composition options or add another layer of “choose your

Those games exist, what frustrates me about team & objective oriented games is it’s incredibly difficult to jump in by yourself and get a random team that is interested in doing anything but deathmatch. Teamwork is not something most people bring to the table.

I agree with you here, and approve of this message.

re: minimum wage - you’re oversimplifying a rather complex problem with deeper roots and a lot of history

RIP headphone users

For some reason I read the whole Rolling Stone thing, and then I looked at the comments. What the fuck was I thinking?

This concept extends beyond cars. Brand loyalty is... stupid.

The average is 5.7%? yeesh

Same, in fact, I think I need to watch it again. Can’t recall if I actually own that one.

You must be fun at parties.

Get down to $15 or $20 and I’ll splurge on it.

Get down to $15 or $20 and I’ll splurge on it.

True, and I wonder how often “I have medals I shouldn’t have” points to that player not doing what they should versus that player being the only one on the team doing anything, period. I’ve seen both, I’ve been that player who seems to be the only one making an effort and earning medals I shouldn’t have. I want to say

Yeah, I would not run Zen as main at all. Zen/Moira seems to work pretty well from what I’ve seen, but Zen on his own just doesn’t have the heals to main heal.

Those reins are always quick to blame the healers too “Why’d you let me die?”

I’m an old as well, I don’t know when the term gained popularity but it’s pretty widely used now. Either way, it’s not a problem to ask if you don’t know what it means.

Oh god I’ve been there.

Damn cassowaries

To be fair, so did Far Cry 3, and I imagine Far Cry 4 does as well, but I haven’t played it yet (play to start soon though!)