Wheel Of Fish

I come across a lot of people that could use this, know a few of them myself. If it works, it works. I don’t rage at games and am generally baffled by the reactions I see sometimes, but if this can help folks analyze their behavior and better themselves, yay!

You’re right, resource collection in general didn’t feel too bad. There was that stuff she’d pick out of the ground in a canned animation, but it was quick enough.

This was something that really got to me in Rise of the Tomb Raider, every time I completed a tomb it was the same animation, the same visual content on every tablet she uncovered... I enjoyed the game but that just felt lazy and made the tombs, arguably something that should be important in a game called “Tomb

Probably true, my timing is apparently just terrible!

Definitely true for the little guy, but somehow people are so shortsighted and clueless that they’re willing to support these people for the few stories they tell that sound like positives to them.

First thought I had, this looks awesome!

You’re not wrong. In fact, I had something similar written out and for some reason deleted it.

Hmm good call. I use ethernet so the problem is definitely on Sony’s end. If you were further bottlenecked by 2.4Ghz congestion on the OG PS4, the Pro’s 5GHz support might help.

Don’t think those facts will convince him. This is about an ideological rift where some people only care about maximizing their benefit, regardless of the cost to everyone else.

We made that upgrade a little while back, I’ve noticed no difference unfortunately.

that sounds rather annoying, although I can’t share in the frustration as I’ve not experienced that

I agree with that, you pretty much learn from your mistakes and missed opportunities.

It’s a delicate balance to give you nothing and let you learn as you go, while avoiding leaving you stuck at times.

They really messed that up with V.

Does it come with pizza? Maybe the hole in the side is meant to fit a pizza.

you’re combining two different areas of inquiry, but technically you’re not wrong.

Yeah, let’s look at video games, something that’s been studied and we have pretty high confidence in having no causative relationship with these kinds of behaviors.

I don’t envy developers for trying to make sense of the bug reports people send them.

It’s like the Wilhelm scream at this point. Future movies & TV shows will cut in audio of Owen Wilson saying “wow” when there are crowds observing awe inspiring events.