
“And ultimately it comes down to whether we have the right to vaccinate or not vaccinate without being held reliable. Or whether or not we have to rush our children to the doctor every time they even just get the sniffles, in fear that something may just randomly happen and we’re held reliable.”


Taylor Swift and Adele are the same age. Let that sink in.

Well it began several million years ago when Tilda emerged, fully formed, from the Great Ocean and stepped onto the muddy shores of East Pangea...

Ohmygawd I want to hear more about the Tilda Swinton/ Lord of Darkness feud. That sounds amazing.

Albertan here, followed this trial closely...yes these parents...the one’s that before he died took him for some “naturopathic” meds, meanwhile the child was so stiff with meningitis that he had to lie in the backseat of the car for the trip to see the quack doc, he could not bend to sit!..But lets blame the ambulance

“unlike other diseases, people with autism don’t drop dead, and take up taxpayer dollars”

And evidently, these people don’t believe in rabies or tetanus vaccinations. I don’t know of any more horrible ways to die than these.

This is what I don’t understand. Okay, autism, SEVERE autism is a challenge, but it is surely better than death. And most autism seems to fall into a spectrum that makes it both workable and just another issue of being alive, really.

Look man, I can relate. It really comes down to whether I can let my kid play in traffic without being held reliable. And I’ll tell you, one time my kid fell out of the Apple tree and had her ulna sticking out through her forearm, I rubbed some dirt on it and had the barber set the bone. She screened a lot, but the

Pretty sure that was included so we know how stupid they are. Also, how their main concern is for how they’d be treated, not, you know, the possibility of their child dying.

Of course they support those murdering parents. There’s no other possible stance they can have. If you are an anti-vaxxer you have to be ok with children being incredibly sick and dying from preventable diseases. Same thing with pro-gun people, they have to be ok with high homicide and suicide rates. It’s literally

I think they meant “liable?” As in, if their children drop dead of a particularly nasty strain of measles they don’t want to get in trouble, I guess.

“Held reliable”.

“unlike other diseases, people with autism don’t drop dead, and take up taxpayer dollars”

Right, because that was the moment that sealed his fate. Not the gross neglect that made that ambulance ride so critical.

They’re complaining about being portrayed as murderers after they murdered their child because they refuse to believe in science? My heart bleeds.

I just wanna say I am SO FUCKING STOKED TO READ THIS!!! I’m going to go do 3 work things so I can come back and revel in this without feeling too too guilty.

Twitter may have given her the means to reach the maximum amount of people but it’s a really awkward way to communicate longer deep thoughts.