
It’s far more likely that it’s intentional. Nomura’s games are FF7, FF8, Kingdom Hearts The Series, and half of FF15. The clear through-line to all those games is a heavy, heavy focus on the male lead being driven by his male relationships while the female lead is driven by her relationship to the male lead. Cloud

Because there are 8 hours in the day when you don’t feel bad about yourself so the beauty industry needs to get in on that

I worked for a utility provider during the GWB era & spent a couple years traveling all over WV for a remediation project. I had two co-workers, one from the Ukraine, the other from India.

Can we talk about those dance scenes for a sec? f!ryder looks like a trained dancer. That thing she does going from open position to closed position where her arm is sticking out and she snaps in? That’s an actual thing in ballroom dancing that a good follower does so the lead doesn’t have to do a really weird

So the sex scenes that are marketable to a heterosexual Scott Rider are the ones that got the most work and attention?

Too bad about BioWare screwing their mlm audience though

That was my first thought as well, which I verbalized without realizing I was speaking. This is so fucked.

Now if he could sing like him....gurl heaven...

Good job! As for me, I stopped being a cripple. Praise Jesus, I can walk! <thud> Oh, wait...