
If the sweatpants don’t have an ass rainbow too, what is even the point.

This is a pretty common sight in both FFXI and FFXIV, IME.

When I was married (to a man) it was a constant refrain- once I got divorced/came out it stopped almost entirely.

My studio apartment is about that sq footage and the couple above me with the same floorplan has two small (sub 5 y/o) children. I work from home and I always wonder how they stand it - I swear off ever having children at some point before noon every single day, accompanied by the incessant pitterpatter of tiny little

Literally every pro-choice post on this damn website we reiterate how BC of any kind, in any combination, isn’t 100%, but in this case we definitely know none was used because... what, we don’t like him? She was a stripper? It may shock you to discover that “justifiable” birth control failure is not a localized

Because they did that in DA2, but with romances that were NPC-initiated rather than player-initiated, so dudes got mad when Anders came on to them.

Cora talks about asari (both content- and frequency-wise) the same way I used to talk about women before I realized I was a lesbian.

As much fun as I’m having with this game, as a lesbian it is pretty disheartening to know that my only explicit romance option is so obviously meant for dudes they didn’t bother to adjust any of the animations. But hey, at least I’m not getting as screwed as gay/bi men!

I really think it depends on which game was your favorite - I’m loving it, but my favorite Mass Effect was the original, and I enjoyed a lot of things people didn’t like about that one (the non-mission planets, the Mako...) If you dislike ME1, I can’t see you enjoying Andromeda.

Same button you use to scan planets.

I walk to my local park on weekends to circle a few times - I’m not only not the only person doing so (I’d say about half the people I pass are clearly playing) but at 30-ish I’m usually the youngest person there.

Oh good, and here I was afraid that “The Gays are all child molesting perverts” might not make it onto the Trump/Republican discourse radar this year. Thanks, Milo!

I used to work as a property manager and our front gate lock was constantly being broken - by tenants. Apparently buzzing your friends in is way harder than just fucking over the whole complex so you don’t have to press a single button on your phone. They’d sabotage the garage gate too, for the same reason. It didn’t