
I don’t get this line of thought. The word “fan” here is short for “fanatic.” There is no such thing as an apathetic sports fanatic. Being fanatical about something by definition means you aren’t apathetic about it.

Please. As if anyone in Louisiana knows who Pynchon was.

As a Falcons fan (don’t shoot me...yet), I share in your disdain for the Saints, and I would be willing to let the Vikings win the 1998-99 NFC Championship game in exchange for the Falcons winning the 2012-13 championship game.

An obnoxious Cleveland fan talked shit to me a few months ago about how Atlanta hasn’t won a championship since 1995. I pointed out “You’re from Cleveland, you dumbass. Your city hasn’t won a championship since Jim Crow.”

*tiny orange dick, probably

I know they went 10-6 last year, but "I'm a Jets fan" and "it gets better" still sound so strange together.

Another Tech guy who can’t figure out how to use simple technology, eh?

I'm a Braves fan and I dispute the claim that Pierzynski is still playing with a major league team. Alas.

Native Americans themselves have always been the ultimate driving forces of the backlash. It isn’t that non-Natives are getting offended on behalf of Natives; it’s that actual Natives say, “Hey, this is racist, we don’t like it.”

His postseason numbers, with the exception of like two starts against the Cardinals, are also outstanding. Now please stop perpetuating that false narrative, and fuck you for making me defend a Dodgers player.

“Huge shoutout to Carl H. from Skokie, Illinois, who insulted my team in a letter to Bill Simmons’ column back in 1999. How’s them apples taste NOW Carl, you fucker?"

Jokes aside, he’s getting fired because of what happened in other years, not just this year. I mean, most managers would be fired if their team undergoes one historically bad collapse. Fredi’s teams underwent two, and he still kept his job.

Since there is no team called “The Barves,” you’re correct in saying that they have no fans.

Trust me, no one hates Bill Shanks and his dumbassery more than Braves fans. He spewed racist idiocy online when the team was good, when the team is bad, when the team wasn’t even playing...We wouldn’t mind it at all if he disappeared off the face of the Earth tomorrow.

ESPN never ran a one-year defamation campaign against Joe Montana, so Schilling’s wrong there too.

The Braves somehow hit pretty well against Scherzer in his two starts versus them. Shit's weird.

I’m admittedly basing this off what I’ve seen from Twitter users with Brady jerseys as their profile pic. Literally every such user that I’ve seen has been a reprehensible asshole.

ESPN has transgender employees, and sharing (and thereby endorsing) a post that dehumanizes transgender people by trying to depict them as hideous monsters creates a hostile work environment—which constitutes justifiable grounds for firing someone.

Forgive me if I doubt this claim, because:

And there PC police are oppressing us. America used to be so great before blacks started being whiny ninnies about “deserving equal rights” and “having inherent human worth and dignity.” You don’t deserve anything, pull you’reself up by you’re own pantstraps you bums! Now White people can’t even spray-paint “go back