
Not impressed until someone leaves the car in gear for a combo Drive-By Dunk/Ghostride his Whip.

I might care if I knew what lamp shading meant.

And people laughed at me for not dropping him from my fantasy team.

“Illegal stitch in time on the receiving team. Nine yard penalty. Replay the down.”

“These people have awful names.”

4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

Now playing

Those oil burning smoke generators are OK for simulating fires and such, but they stink and, let’s be honest, who wants to breathe burnt oil?

Because our country was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and it’s finally coming back to haunt us.

Not a lot of athletes on the white team. Unfortunately for them, also not many gritty, coach’s son, deceptively quick, high IQ, gym rats either.