
This isn’t really a scheduling fuck-up, or at least not in the sense of a lot of these stories. For my work, I oftentimes have to fly with a lot of expensive equipment that I cannot check and so I have to be the obnoxious person who swears that their carry-on fits in the little cube by the gate desk—I don’t want to be

Armageddon is good. Watch it again. It’s the most honest depiction of the American male’s id that has ever been captured on film.

J. Crew is really pushing the envelope with their branded content.

Basketball is weird. If someone, in a vacuum, had said you could take 5 players that were all all-stars and 2 of them were NBA MVPs, and still have a bad team, it would be hard to believe. But here we are.

From the headline, I honestly thought the statue had been destroyed by a bolt of lightning. Boy, that would have been something.

I grew up playing competitively within the ODP system from age 15-18. I’m 29 now, and I know there have been adjustments and improvements made in the past few years. Based on lag-time though, the results of those more recent improvements in the system still have another 10 years before they bear fruition. Most of the