
I don't know a single person who uses Emoji. I have friends ranging in age from 26 to 46. Is this a generational thing? Am I OLD?

You should buy some

Oh my god! people are trying to make it so we have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink! and in the future instead of destroying entire towns to extract coal and destroying our oceans to extract oil we can get clean energy from the sun! What bastards these people are!

Get in line buddy

comments unrelated

videos are no good for us working schlubs, we need gifs!

I'll never buy a smartwatch until they do away with proprietary chargers and have e-ink displays. otherwise it's a toy that I play with for a couple of days and then regret buying.

I guess we'll need all the obese people to repop the earth when the military is destroyed by the martians.

NSFL? more like NSFW and only sometimes.

Again, this is the only developed country in the world where people can't just go to a doctor and get better without having to worry about going bankrupt at the worst or choosing between eating and healthcare at the very least. CAPITALISM!

And they never will, until they revolt :(

Why do bicyclists take up an entire lane at a stop light? when the light changes you are fumbling at the pedals trying to move, just get out of the way! walk your bike with the walk signal dummy! you're a pedestrian!

So what I get from this article is, "It's not an Ipad, so it's crap".

these would get lost in an INSTANT. I have always wanted something like this, but I don't think it's realistic that they would remain in your possession with real world use.

you should head back to your compound and polish all of your guns. make sure there is plenty of fresh water in there. just never come out. it'll be okay. the future will never come if you just stay in there.

You're thinking of the NRA

OMG I want a pet dinosaur too!

I wish I could post some of the real names I come across in my work at the bank, I did speak to someone whose mother's maiden name was Horsdick and an cranky chinese guy whose MMN was FU and he said like F-you.

I'm pretty sure most of us were thinking that. I know I was. now I have to go change my pants.

I'm with you on this one, there's no mention of Beetle in the article whatsoever.