
ooh I like this one. 8/10

top notch trolling. you had me going there for a bit.

POT is not addictive. but, you know keep repeating the old tired lies about pot. jackass.

Are you trolling? all of my weed smoking friends are professionals, unlike you who still lives in moms basement.

But then how will the pharmaceutical industry, the private prison industry, the prison warden union, the police unions and the alcohol and tobacco lobbies make any money? you monster!

Also, the emperor has no clothes.

don't be so mean, he has a speech impediment!

but, but outrage.

I was playing redneck rampage on a DOS machine in 1998. but I'm a huge nerd, so...

police brutality. awesome. shoot first, don't get asked any questions later because the judge will rule on the side of the police department.

oops, you dropped your monocle.

The same way one can be a scientist and somehow still believe in a sky fairy that is better than everyone elses sky fairy.

You are STILL in denial, just like everyone else on the right wing! have fun explaining why you don't care about environment destruction to your grandkids! jackass!

Yeah, I'm going to 'adress' you again. what do you gain from pretending man is not responsible for habitat destruction and species extinction? You're in deep denial.

Samsung Galaxy S3

Yes THE ENTIRE WORLD can not be destroyed by humans, but large parts of it have become uninhabitable because of our actions. Once a mountaintop is removed to extract the coal and the slurry destroys the surrounding town and poisons the drinking water, you can't restore nature to how it was before.

Are you kidding? human activity is directly related to ALL species extinction since we've been around. Just because it doesn't mesh with your right wing world view doesn't mean it isn't true.

Once I went from an iPhone to a larger screen I was kicking myself for not making the switch sooner. If you use your phone (I mean USE your phone a lot) you NEED a bigger screen. It sounds like you are trying to convince YOURSELF you made the right choice with an iphone.

that is the dumbest statement i have ever heard. If you are trying to convince yourself that buying the iphone was the right thing for YOU, then fine. but MOST of the people I know have converted to the Galaxy s3 from blackberry/iphone/candybar phones and are super psyched to have the screen that size. (not to mention