
Here's how to make your staff morale improve: don't make them work lots of extra hours and not pay them for it.

The strawberry stem remover is awesome and is great to replace the stem with strawberry yogurt!


house of representatives and it's really just republicans that gerrymander

I won't get into my current situation regarding how my previously awesome boss gradually changed into a negative prickhole over the last .

I can't find any reference to Will Ferrel on IMDB. Are you trollin'?

It says 1931 right in the article, so... I have no idea.

My daughter who is 4 has a red mustang pow pow powerwheels. The day she drove up the driveway with a boy in the passenger seat I cried a single tear.

it should be non-secure not insecure OR unsecure (because unsecure isn't a word)

How about just use the legos you have to make the van you nerds (myself included)

What the hell did I just read? my brain hurts.

"and no hard button, like Apple devices." so no shoulder button, no home button and no volume buttons? all iphones have 4 hard buttons.

More Guns = more gun violence.

Or you don't eat lobster because they look like gross sea spiders. yuk.

There is a perfect test for people driving high, you can use visine to get the red out, but you can't get around a police officer asking you if Mickey Mouse is a cat or a dog. If you don't answer right away, you're high.

CragBanyon Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?

There are plenty of gadgets that relate directly to the consumption of pot and then plenty of gadgets that are enhanced by the consumption of POT. Ain't no thang, why you hatin'?

On paper the playbook doesn't look like it could compete with other devices. But once you play with it you LOVE IT! The sides of the screen are touch sensetive and allow you to perform swipe motions that once you use them, you wish all of your other devices had that functionality. As a playbook owner I am left

put a fan on the ground pointing up at the fire alarm. always works for me.