
If anyone wants to see the opinions of idiots:

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.

This is beyond horrifying.

I know it’s really hard to implement, because it takes a lot of computer know-how (you’ve had to have spent, I don’t know, at least 4 seconds on a computer), but there is the HTML internet protocol sub-header called “don’t click on the article” if you want to avoid the soccer articles.

Can’t blame LeTV - I just hate it when my Dong won’t wake up.

That’s good, soon they’ll be enjoying that New York deep dish pizza and those Boston cheesesteak sandwiches...

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

I always thought it would be awesome if the fans of Entourage and the fans of Sex and the City could be introduced at the world’s largest Brotastic/Basic Bitch Mixer, and then be shipped off to Wish Fulfillment Island where they could live out their lives as a never-ending cycle of roofies, brunch and credit card debt.

Will Will's will will will Will Will into the end zone.