
I know at least one cop who flags his location on the highway on Waze himself, why? Because it’s meant to act as a deterrent, and it works. 

This! Toyota and Mazda are already working together on what will likely be a GR branded product; will it be the next Supra? Or the long-rumored revival of the Celica? Will Mazda release another RX car on that same platform? Time will tell. So yeah, why not collaborate on all the sports cars and add the Miata and the

“Too fast” for me automatically implies “too fast for the conditions”.

Haha. Well at least I know you weren’t stuck behind me; I avoided the highway entirely for the 500 mile break in, took only the back roads. Probably why the average speed is also that low. 😂 

Aye, ye speak true.

Right? How do we know that he’s not driving it like a giant raging asshole and other people are just giving him a taste of his own medicine? A gold wrapped Cybertruck with a QR code plastered on the back is very recognizable. 

Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think it actually looks that “good” on the C8; to me it feels a bit forced and like something that only a certain generation of Corvette buyers really care about.

An impressive accomplishment. Team Corvette showing that they still know how to put other supercar makers on notice.

This is a Corvette, not a Mustang. These will be doing the speed limit on their way to the club house for dinner in the gated community.

You’re thinking of the supercharged C7 Z06, of which early production units had cooling issues on track (it was addressed with changes later in the production run). The C8 has not exhibited the same cooling problems at all. In fact, people have remarked on how “cold” the C8 Z06 coolant remains even when pushing it

Trump doesn’t know anything about South Africa. This is 100% shadow president Musk pulling the strings.

Well… I guess the article was written before this happened:

At the rate that these have been depreciating, it might not be that long before they can be had for $15k. Good luck to anyone keeping one on the road however; EVs are less maintenance, but a luxury EV is still a luxury car first and foremost. 

Even MB has come back and admitted this after the fact; and they’ve already said that the next generation will have much more similarity to the S class. 

I know the new administration said they were going to get rid of them, but I don’t think they’ve actually done that. Tesla still deducting the tax credit in their online pricing. 

Haha. I’m ok with not being rad; tan leather with stealth aluminum trim.

Well that’s on Honda isn’t it? 

If they didn’t upgrade your cameras then, what makes you think they’re going to do it now?

lead a low-speed chase to the next exit, and stop in a place that has some outpost of civilization, rather than pulling over immediately in the middle of nowhere

I was trying to post a picture from my phone, but that’s not working for some reason. I posted a picture I found online of the color.