
I miss Ashley Feinberg

mdma is a hell of a drug

Trump is currently exploring whether he can forge a Kenyan birth certificate for himself.

The “GTFO meme” is a reference to the 4chan refrain, when a female user announces themselves: “tits or GTFO”. Top work, wikileaks.

HamNo, I politely request you remind us on a bi-annual basis of the ‘Why No Orange Pie’ piece because it is the best thing I have ever read and I wish to be reminded of it on a bi-annual basis.

But who will put insufferable PewDiePie in his place?!

Everyone at the NSA stopped working for two minutes and thirty eight seconds - saving themselves 90 minutes a few months from now.

“2016 is already shaping up to be a trashcan fire in an alley of a year.”

Watch your thumb!

That was an ancient volcanic PROlapse

Never mind film, this NEEDS to be a HBO series NOW.

Nobody really noticed the nanobot rapture.

Where did all the dogs go?

They all lived happily ever after.

The sky shouldn’t be that colour.

Blog names considered but discarded thread, go!

Not the younglings ! :’(


Jesus. What's going on there?