Sorry to hijack things, but is there a “Welcome to Kinja” thread where we can iron out connection issues? Seems we need a place to test things out and figure out how this thing works. :/
Sorry to hijack things, but is there a “Welcome to Kinja” thread where we can iron out connection issues? Seems we need a place to test things out and figure out how this thing works. :/
How many stars does it take to bring a gray back to life?
Did it work? Do I exist? Is this real life?
She's gotta stick around so Bullseye can kill her. That has to be where they are going, right? That BETTER FUCKING BE where they are going.
That might help. He needs a mentor figure to get him where he needs to go, narratively. And they teased that character in IF season one with the old reel footage, so why not?
I just never paid any attention to the sand snakes. They were so terrible…
Oh damn. Colleen Wing plays one of the sand snakes. I am so late to the party on that. Wow.
Ok, maybe there isn't a big iconic hallway fight scene, but if you go back and watch that season almost 20% of the show happens in that fucking hallway.
And it works.
Cut to them on a 16 hour flight from New York to Hong Kong, tagging along, rolling their eyes.
I googled it. Well played.
Yeah my first reaction was "wait. What? Why is he there?" But then it got fun, so…you know. Fuck it! Fight scene! Woooo hoo!
She's pretty mean to Malcolm!
Sigourney Weaver is doing a lot of heavy lifting on this show with mediocre writing, and doing it as effectively and effortlessly as Luke Cage carrying concrete slabs. I mean, think about it.
And then that board meeting DID ACTUALLY turn into a Bruce Lee movie, so no wonder Danny doesn't ever learn!
Oh, god. I've witnessed this exact fight. It takes an hour and a half to resolve because the Player's Handbook says one thing, but clarification on the specific usage was retroactively nerfed in an addendum only available on the website.
She's gotta be on the show. She creates the main conflict when she yells at the waitress for getting her coffee order wrong. "I said low-fat milk. LOW-FAT!" Then a bunch of ninjas attack.
Don't forget Robyn! (Yup, she had a name.)
For sure. Some of the best parts of this show are just the four of them bickering or connecting and just generally bouncing off each other. I mentioned it before, but SPOILERS SORT OF……the group's first big coming together in the Chinese restaurant is one of my favorite moments. Everyone is so great together. No…
So was he just like wandering the building looking for clues when he heard a commotion in the penthouse conference room?