I'm sorry but I still don't know what the term means. I only opened this article in hopes that someone would finally explain it, but no. I'm being completely serious! What the heck does ship mean?? Why is it abbreviated??
I'm sorry but I still don't know what the term means. I only opened this article in hopes that someone would finally explain it, but no. I'm being completely serious! What the heck does ship mean?? Why is it abbreviated??
What an obscure reference!
I don’t follow. Do you seriously not know that Ben Carson is African American? Or is he not "black enough" for you to consider him African American?
Approximate combined Republican vote totals for Carson (African American), Cruz and Rubio (1st generation Cuban Americans).
60% of Iowa Republicans caucused for an African-American or a Latino. 100% of Iowa Democrats caucused for an old white person.
I think what he's actually trying to say is that he's a global warming skeptic, and equates bigfoot chasers (certaintists?) with global warming extremists who shut down dissenting opinions.
Krampus was in there, I'm pretty sure. Think I saw a split second of the movie trailer.
OK, here's my best attempt at a quick and dirty summary of
conservative (i.e. most Republicans) view. A quick disclaimer that not
all of these are my own views, so it's hard for me to do them complete justice.
OK, thanks! I hope you're sincere, because I'm writing a very long response to you right now… please stay tuned.
I think technically the GOP race is still a 12 ring circus.
Yes. The interviewer should have congratulated him. Or, at least acknowledged the fact that he's the very first person this year to provide an arguably-acceptable answer to the Super Villain question.
You've clearly spent a great deal of time listening openly in an attempt to gain understanding of the positions of people with whom you disagree.
Comment quantity shaming is the new fat shaming.
Perhaps true. Although if or when tyranny became reality, it will be too late to buy your guns.
The gun store clerk is indeed absurd, but the aim of protecting oneself and ones nation against tyranny is not.
You nailed it on the Deadwood reference. This guy owns the series on DVD guaranteed.
Was Voodoo Doughnuts too edgy or just too touristy to satisfy the Portland KK enthusiasts?
…or invalidates the other.
"Have a nice quip? See you next Fall."