
I like how you totally burned him for making a mistake on the internet.

Being a young minority in a new workplace is difficult in any
profession. The best course of action is usually to keep your chin up
and fake it 'til you make it. Just ask Rachel Dolezal.

Yeah. Newsflash: young people have to work hard to be taken credibly in almost any industry or profession. The best thing that you can do is not get all butt-hurt over it, and then do your best to demonstrate competency, thereby eventually earning respect.

Coming from a man who appears to own at least one cat.

I'm torn between boo and boo hoo?

Ok, that was actually pretty funny. Nice job.

Sorry you don't like hearing the truth. Most people don't. Glad you enjoy one of the two flavors of Kool-Aid, though!

Unlike conservatives and liberals, libertarians are somewhat less prone to group-think.

The AV Club writers aren't big on any political philosophy not directly endorsed by both President Obama and John Stewart.

Yes, because Libertarianism is such a wacky political philosophy! Can you imagine a world where people were actually given the freedom to pursue their own best interests as they saw fit, so long as it didn't interfere with the health or safe of others? Imagine all the gay marriage and pot smoking that could take

It makes me sick, but give it time. 40 years ago, who would have thought we'd have nationwide homosexual marriage equality and that a transgendered person would be awarded with the ESPN courage award and their own top-rated weekly TV series. The slope is a slippery one, and American Society has demonstrated an

Hey, thanks for interjecting politics into a comment thread for an article that has nothing to do with it.

Given that I wrote that entirely myself, I'd be very surprised if you could find it on Wikipedia or anywhere else on the internet for that matter. But it shouldn't be hard to prove me wrong if I'm not being honest, so feel free to try.

A contraceptive is a method of preventing pregnancy, typically by preventing the sperm from fertilizing an egg. There are several methods of contraceptives, including the barrier method, various inter-uterine devices, and pharmacological methods (generally pills or patches). Used correctly, the barrier method is

It sounds to me like you're trying to avoid backing up your opinion?

I understand your rationale, so let's start from the point of agreement that an employer who provides basic healthcare insurance should also provide some form of contraceptive as part of that coverage.

Or they could use condoms like the rest of us.

Not to mention that he comes across as particularly tolerant of political views that contrast with his own. Or not.

Unless the woman is scorned by a man who votes straight-ticket Democratic Party. Then it's all good in the hood, baby.

Yeah, and what's up with only dirty old right-wingers getting the clap? What do dirty old left-wingers get? A cookie? I've known my fair share of dirty old men who happened to vote democrat, and their views on attractive young women are hardly any more enlightened.