
Would Hillary not have appointed liberal Supreme Court Justices to replace the two departing liberal Supreme Court Justices?

NSA domestic spying. International spying on the embassies and offices of our allies. The healthcare system is NOT better, there are just more people in it without any other systemic improvements to mitigate the added stress. We still have an American auto industry, but many of the engines and other components are

For a democrat, you're coming across a touch racist. Please answer the door when the PC Police arrive in a few minutes to take you to the re-education center. You'll know it's the PC police, because there will be one Asian man and one black woman, and they're both gay.

Oh my. After nearly 8 years, it's heartening to see how the AV Club peanut gallery still gets all frothy at the mouth at the mere mention of ol' George W. and Company.

The forced diversity comment was in reference to college recruiting materials. Have you seen any college recruiting material lately? I don't think I'm the only person who recognizes that colleges often portray an unrealistic picture of their campus diversity. In fact, I'm 99% sure The Onion dedicated an article to

Yeah, tell those volcanoes to knock it off.

Nice. You were born sometime around 1978-1982, I'm guessing?

What about "The 100." I know the spoken-word intro is at least in every episode of the first season.

Is unabashed ridiculing the same as complaining? If so, you are correct.

Yeah, no one complains about white people. Except on MSNBC. And CNN. And often times the networks. And the whole "Occupy" movement. And most of the other well-publicized protests in the last five years or so. And the AV Club comment section (although is white guilt the same as complaining about white people?).

And "Brotherhood of the Wolf."

Yes, and he also managed to shoot the guard directly in the body armor. I seriously yelled at my TV. If you're going to blow the one chance you'll get to kill Dr. Tsing, at least make it count, for crying out loud.

"…so there's still much work to be done." LOL, what??

I think he's super cool. Consider me part of the Arran Nation!

Because he can identify with a morally-ambiguous homosexual African-American? Or because he, too, loves Honey Nut Cheerios?

I'm with you 100%. But for the gimmick, this movie is a flat-out stinker. We should be mature enough to give the man (Linklater) kudos for trying something new and ambitious, while still acknowledging that he failed in making a film that was "good" by most objective standards.

I never said you were a selfish prick. Completely self-righteous, certainly, but not selfish.

Those aren't tears.

You're right. It's so much better to feel deeply the full shame and burden of the inequality which was simply a matter of your birth. Thanks for doing your part!
