
Yes, working class wages to the extent of a restaurant and the various levels of pay available to one employed in some capacity by a restaurant. But not so much about blue collar jobs. I'd wager that there are plenty of skilled millwrights and construction laborers who are making way more money than many who went to

Good thing you're able to feel guilty about it! It must be so cathartic, and I'm sure the disproportionately-blessed people of the world really appreciate all the good that your feelings do for them.

True. He'd have been much better off becoming manager of a septic system treatment and repair company. But Linklater probably doesn't understand how salaries and wages are distributed in the working class world.

It's just white guilt. It's something that some educated white people struggle with, because they can't grasp the concept that the universe is unfair and advantages are not equally distributed amongst all denizens of this planet.

Oh, where would we be without white guilt. Where would we educated straight white men be without something to wring our collective hands over anytime we perceive even the slightest possibility of disparity in art. Heaven forbid that art reflect reality—that would be too problematic.

Well done, sir. Well done.

More of a "short, fat, and bald" guy, huh?

Um, "Native American" is the preferred nomenclature.

Kurt Cobain is dead?? I thought he was just taking a long time between albums…

Danger Doom "The Mouse and the Mask" was an outstanding album. But it was inspired by the entire Cartoon Network/Adult-Swim line-up, not just SGC2C.

Wasn't there an article recently written here at AV Club about a certain concert venue banning the use of the Indian headdress (or "Native American war bonnet" if you want to be PC about it…)?