John Smith

Well, sure. You can sue me. I can sue my mailman. But none of us would ever win.

Settle down, kid. Really. It's an article that's mostly complimentary about your team, even if it's not as gushing as you'd like it to be.

"Tell you what, you lose first now, we'll lose first in March."

"I am once more free to enjoy watching these fine young men—who, never forget"

Depends on the shelter. I got a great puppy for a $30 adoption fee, and that included spaying. Still not free, but essentially so.

But I have allergies and can only own a golden-pookie-yuppie-doodle!

Yo manejo fiesta!

Hmmmm. Interesting.

Ah. The sarcasm was too subtle. As usual, the takeaway is that I'm an idiot.

It's gold!

"And I hold my ground when the average luddite sheep gives me grief."

"OK, so you get sick for a few days, big deal. "

"Flight attendants have a job that holds a lot of prestige in the eyes of most travelers."

No way.

The DHOF is for the silly, the subversive, the whimsical. Occasionally, there's room for fuck-ups (looking at you, Isiah, Salisbury and Mariotti) but that's only when the ineptitude is inconsequential and also comedic.

Probably for Marcus Camby and his veteran leadership.

He may not be as racist as Daniel Snyder, but he's every bit as stupid and stubby.

Yeah, as another Gen-X white dude, I've had a similar rethinking in the past few years and an important realization.

Because he was one of the first TV personalities to have the courage to not speak directly to white people, and stayed true to that in spite of heavy criticism from white people who weren't accustomed to not being catered to.

Bingo. When I just read that Greg Howard is 26, I was like, "Oh. That explains him."