Just patch it in....
Just patch it in....
“just patch in...” in this case probably means major rewrites of the game engine. that’s just not going to happen for all but the most incredibly supported games. I doubt that the Crash Bandicoot Remastered Trilogy falls into this category.
it’s always easy in these comments to tell who doesn’t have kids
My only rationalization is that she had a really open, laid back relationship with her students and joked a lot in class. Thus, she thought something like this would be acceptable. It obviously isn’t, but that’s my only way of seeing why she would do something like this.
Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?
Crowdfunding idea: Soap/shampoo/conditioner/whatever other unnecessary things odd people use, with bottles shaped like Tetris pieces so they stack.
Judge Currie M. Mingledorf
Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.
Please don’t say true believers. it makes us lifelong Marvel fans cringe when you do. I have a list of acceptable substitute names for Trump Supports.
You don’t even want to know what they were tweeting at Ha Ha Clinton-Dix
So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?
It’s ok that she canceled, we’ll always have that special night with Coulter that will sustain us.
Wait, does Mary think 2 Timothy 3 is helping her cause? She thinks that is describing Trump in a positive way?
I saw the Youtube image of Will Smith in a beanie and thought this was a trailer for Hancock 2
That doesn’t surprise me. With something like a billion people practicing Hinduism there’s probably plenty of variations out there with regards to diet restrictions.
kfc is some chump ass shit where is the damn popeye’s
I think you’re taking something nobody’s actually that opinionated about way too seriously