Sorry, but it is. Diversity on police forces is a fact. Don't cite MSM articles look at the census itself.
Sorry, but it is. Diversity on police forces is a fact. Don't cite MSM articles look at the census itself.
THE Black cop? Among the 6,000 others? And the 12,000 or so Hispanics?
Ducking again. I pointed out to you that the policy doesn't benefit either the upper classes or the cops themselves. So for whose benefit is it? (Blood letting, good or bad was done in the interest of healing the patient. In wht interest is this done)?
As noted, the major problem of Black communities relative to police has historically been indifference. No one gave a damn about its victimization.
Yeah - the NYT's famous 'other techniques'. I have some ideas myself, but I think I'll wait for you.
Yes. The police, more than 50% ow whom on patrol are now minority (it's a youth movement) stop and harass for . . . . for . . . .
What I'm not oblivious to is the fact that urban police departments throughout the country have been largely transformed in the last 30 years, a fact which has gone uncrecognized. You can live in the 1870's if you want. But it's not contemporary reality.
Written in complete ignorance. The 'fights' to get on the force were fifty years ago. Minority presence on most urban police departments is so large that hostility would be self directed.
Phone your local chief, find out what they do. Better than just speculating, capisce?
Oh, God, the universal quantifier fallacy. When will they learn?
Sorry. The Wire was faux reality. The issues of people who live in West Baltimore are far more realised to poverty than race.
You actually acceded to one of mine. As to tossng basic criminal fights with respect to police incidents. I don't think it's necessary and it is dangerous precedent.
Of course there are prejudices. There always will be. People are no better than they should be. And we have erected some pretty formidable legislative weapons in response. There isn't much left to do.
Good luck finding and correcting the mechanisms of discrimination. Because most of that is ancient history, 50 years old, and it has not reached the core problem, which is poverty.
Well, if you chose the handle KateH. as a male, it would be pretty good camouflage.
I'd agree that poor Blacks have more burden than poor Whites.
Oh, no question. None of them actually went to Vietnam, but they did their best to get the guys who did - disproportionately minority - killed.
Race and class correlate, but they aren't at all tied together. Conflating them is not useful.
If you're not close minded, it shouldn't bother you.
It's not a 'necessary' feature by any means, but it happens to be the theme that BLM has adopted - mostly college kids who, of course, are not affected by any of the policy issues. Something like the White radicals of my day.