Genuine Realist

Really, really dumb.

Assisted suicide is a helluva lot more than that, because one man's terminal illness is another man's long term condition, e.g., kidney diseases that require regular dialysis, which is a condition that would cause anyone to think of suicide. The depression that comes with that is often a separate and difficult side

Oh, there are all kinds of gender identification issues, no question about it. But what there is not, and never will be, is a person transformed from one gender to another, unless there was some biological ambiguity to begin with.

Exactly. Think of that the next time you sympathize with 'a woman trapped in a man's body'.

Excuse me, illiterate. I made the exception in every post I made. including chromosomal, hormonal, and anatomical issues. You're too hysterical to notice.

Thanks for the concession.


It was exactly a strawman. I excepted the person who has a real biological case in every post I made.

Typical bigot. You run into some difficult POV's, and you just can't stand them.

A strawman typical of an internet loser.

I'm more concerned with societal attitudes - or at least the ones on this board - that would view transgender authority as a reasonable first alternative, when it should be the very, very last possible resort.

You do not have to have major surgery to deal with those issues.

I'm no asshole.

I'm not talking about that sort of genteel renaming. There's no issue with that, and I doubt Presidential policy addresses it.

I excepted biological anomalies.

Creep out all you want. Their sexual preference doesn't undercut their identification with gender.

Nope, stated it succinctly.

I'm a biological realist. I'm also about as liberated as you can be on gay issues.

There are plenty of definitions of biological male - chromosomal, hormonal, and plastic - and if you match all of them, a surgeon's knife and extensive hormone therapy isn't going to change that.

It's not possible to be born into the wrong gender. Sexual preference is one thing. Trying to escape the realities of your phenotype is another.