Genuine Realist

Nope. There comes a time when the argument is ended. Nothing more to say. I'm quite satisfied with my position.

Well, of course it is tied to poverty, which is where my Progressivism checks in. These are class issues, not racial (primarily) and they have to be addressed as such. I have ideas about that, too.

How many racists do you see below?

The judicial system is a problem, but the racist trope is not useful. Haven't you wondered where all these racism comes from, after 50 years of political correctness and the general abandonment of racist thought by just about everyone who receives a higher education?

Oooh! I've made an enemy of the Wicked Witch of the West!!! The sooner I'm out of Oz altogether, the better I'll sleep!!

You still around? And no better at handling complexity,

The protests have gone way, way beyond that, to a return to the old 'cops are the enemy' theme. And that is really bad, and getting young Black males killed. Like it or not, you'd like inner cities to have the same relationship with their police that suburban towns do. BLM is going backward.

That you are an expert at blather is proven beyond all doubt.

Suit yourself. Your mind seems to me to be terminally closed. Many are.

Culpability, not liability. And never murder - both malice and intent to kill are completely missing. Involuntary manslaughter.

Funny thing - that sort of finding is gospel truth, it would seem.

I think those statues in Poland say a great deal about what happened back then. But I have made my point. Enough.

Really? When I visited Gdansk last year, Danzig in my generation, I was surprised to see a statue honoring Ronald Reagan. They evidently dot Poland. Now, he did not send so much as a dollar, or a bullet, but he did make it clear to the entire world that Solidarity mattered - that it was important - that the policies

I have a lot to say about reform of the judicial system, but the racial trope isn't helpful at all. We DO incracerate way too many people, and a large percentage of them Black. There are all sorts of interesting ideas for change.

See my self description. Populist - politics out of the Progressive Era. Very committed to policies being made by the people actually affected by them.

That certainly applies to you. You began with insults, haven't made an argument yet.

PLEASE learn to read ordinary English.

Perestroika didn't end the Cold War, friend. It was intended to reform the Soviet Union. PLEASE actually learn some history.

PLEASE actually read my posts. Of course there are cases that should result in criminal convictions. The extrapolation of BLM, to police culture being a negative, is both erroneous and dangerous.

You should visit a BLM site or follow someone on Twitter. 'Ger the police ouf ot the inner city, they're the problem'. Scary thoughts.