Touche. . . BUT . . .
Touche. . . BUT . . .
God. The old wheeze.
I think if Tarantino were protesting about a particular case he wouldn't have been nearly so controversial. There certainly are cases that deserve protest.
Oh, he's going to be tried for a second which is right.
Or a historian. Hell, I was tear gassed a half dozen times at Berkeley. I loathed the guy. And I was a detente man all the way, me and Kissinger (detente actually began with Nixon). This idea of confronting the Soviets seemed nutso.
Can you read? Because most cops would have parsed thre qualifers in that sentence a helluva lot more acutely than you did.
What makes you think I'm conservative?
No, you are not. In fact, the idiot assumption that the increasingly diverse police departments are racist is the worst kind of retrograde racism.
Talk about revisionist history. Gorbachev helped a lot, though - he could see the handwriting on the wall. But it would have been a totally different handwriting if Carter had been elected.
FWIW, most police departments are pretty divere places, racially and culturally these days - far more so than the environments of the critics.
Most of these cases are obscured by self-defense and defense of others issues. I think the South Caorlina case is clearly a second and Tamir Rice very close. The worst of the others are voluntary manslaughters, which is still a very serious crime.
You wouldn't know actual racism if it bit you on the nose.
Yup. Discarded mine long ago. Call 'em as I see 'em.
Not exactly dissing, was it? And it is second degree murder, and will be tried as such.
Oh, we're really into high wit now, aren't we?
Police officers don't begin to have absolute power. In San Jose, where I live, every time a cop brandishes his weapon, let alone fires (which is rare), the incident is reviewed at chief level.
Hey! Xander yelled out to the gang and one of them responded! Wow!
That gets us to the Great Indigestible Fact. Black on Black crime is a fact, and cops of all races are indeed likely to see young Black males in groups as a threat. That unfortunately reflects urban reality.
You mean Garner? Cop should have been tried for involuntary manslaughter. But that wasn't Garner dissing anyone. The guy had been arrested 35 times before, small time con artist. The cop thought he was malingering. But you pay for your actions, and he should have been tried.