Feltimus Peltus

I have not seen What Is It? I have read a plot synopsis in SPIN magazine years ago that made it sound like empty provocation. If my friend goes I will go but otherwise I think I would prefer the style of storytelling in Everything Is Fine! It Is Fine.

IIRC Kruger spoke out in favor of Tarantino and defended him in regards to the choking scene.

I had a similar reaction to the parts of the Fast and Furiouses I’ve seen. Things can be too weightless and empty to reach the level of camp fun I want. Though I think I’ve only seen one all the way through, and I remember enjoying it, everything about it left my head right after I did. Except for the fact that The

My family worshiped Time After Time when I was a kid. It was on HBO a lot. The central performances are great. That McDowell’s career leaned more to Alex DeLarge type roles is a shame. I always remember HG Wells confusedly looking at a newspaper sports headline that said something like “Dolphins devour Lions,” and the

The whole bit with Herzog giving Pascal his “Go kill Colonel Kurtz” orders leaked from the Con awhile back. It’s great.

That guy has a great voice that still makes me take that opening seriously. So much death...

The cadence of your headline makes me think of “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.”

This seems like a great way to make his story distinctive, and honor the stern simplicity which is present in the character and the tales.

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The Devils (the play) by John Whiting: Reading this before bed and in the mornings in combination with a Dick Francis uncorrected proof from a used book store. Fell in love with Ken Russell’s version, which Roger Ebert wrote a negative entirely tongue-in-cheek review of:

Luke, we got a Fortune 500 Company.

Good point. But I doubt anyone’s homemade edits will overtake the original one, unless the original in question is decidedly not the Mona Lisa in the eyes of a majority. (Hopefully that original will be preserved until tastes change back in its favor if they do.)

It makes movies infinitely improveable. There’s already a culture of re-edits to films to improve them, some of the most famous of which are the attempts to better or recreate unaltered versions of the Star Wars franchise.


Hopefully Favreau gets to throw him somewhere in The Mandalorian (if the timelines, money, logistics and copyright works out), as a consolation for (apparently) Solo’s reception costing us the McGregor Kenobi standalone. Which I really wanted.

Soccer game: We lost. A ball went right above my head. I certainly recommend sitting behind a goal. Makes the game more intense.


I smash all his novels together in my brain, but it’s the one after Snowcrash with the least bad ending, for me. If my brain is correct and Cryptonomicon is the one with Shaftoe. At least something happens at the end, and it ties into the rest of the novel.

I had the Chuckles action figure. I knew the scene above without watching. I have been waiting for this moment, for Chuckles to finally have meaning.

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Let me be another person to say goddamnit. I really loved so many SJ songs. At the time I was listening to a lot of them, I had just moved from Tennessee to Louisville and I found his insistence in “Tennessee” that: