You don’t need to see the other two to follow the (nonsensical) plot, but they are a must if you want to feel underwhelmed.
You don’t need to see the other two to follow the (nonsensical) plot, but they are a must if you want to feel underwhelmed.
And that’s a funny sentence whether you know that’s a movie or not.
It was pointed out on Reddit etc. already, but:
I was impressed how well the cast and Ferrell worked with each other and seemed to slide-in seamlessly and smooth from the start. It was clear Ferrell came with ideas/sketches while many hosts come with nothing and writing is started from day one around their perceived strengths. Except for the reality star piece…
I nominate Heidi Gardner as MVP of my heart. She’s got chops.
I have absolutely no idea how they’re going to end this season, and that’s pretty cool.
The Simpsons did it.
Did anyone else think “Simpsons did it!” during the Pickens subplot?
Ah, so you’ve seen the “It” series.
All four of them in formal wear, honestly. This is one hell of an attractive cast.
I can’t believe I’m rooting for a team this weekend to go to the Super Bowl because a dead character loves his quarterback. Go Bortles
Jeeze Louise! Looks like Chidi has a real case of the Mondays, am I right? Hey ya, pass the NASCAR ketchup.
I liked the Bad Place poster for Pirates of the Caribbean 6, now playing EVERYWHERE, FOREVER.
Every single thing in this episode was perfection, but, more importantly, they totally mentioned Claire Danes’ father-in-law!
I’m so glad this show exists.
I like that when Jason was saying “Or 420, or 69!” Eleanor held out her hand for a low five.
But there’s affection In McKinnon’s impression. I’ve been thinking about the nature of charisma and likability, and I think people generally find men more likable and charismatic than women. It’s part of our deeply ingrained sexism. So I think you should question whether your requirements for likability skew male…
I miss the old AV Club
I’m not looking to get into a fight over Hillary Clinton, but I’ll just note that Che’s joke about her likability plays into the profoundly misogynistic way he’s spoken about her on the show and in interviews for years, and to still be making jokes like that in December 2017 after the hellish year we’ve all just…