
How pissed would you be if you were the guy that just bought one before the price drop?

These setting are way above the PS4 version.

I live in Toronto where we have two seasons, winter and construction. So I know what it’s like dealing with traffic congestion. But I'd like to also add that pedestrians and cyclists shouldn't assume that they are seen by others. A little self preservation goes a long way.

I always forget this is considered “upstate” I had to google its location.

We need to implement degrees of upstatedness, with buffalo a 10th degree upstate and this 1st degree

I guess i;d be 5th or 6th degree

Count your blessings. There is no way the United States Congress could amend the DMCA in a way that actually makes things better for you or me.

Flash FM is where it’s at bruh!

That entire soundtrack is the superior radio station, all the stations music is solid gold.

I think thats the point. People leave stuff out that is essentially poison without realizing it all the time. Or in a place where kids can easily get into.

So I tried raising the little bastards.

Woke them up, fed them food, kept friggin Andy away from the faulty electric socket. I was worried the little buggers would choke on their breakfast the entire time, but thankfully, they ate their pixellated meals without any trouble.

I then needed to take them out into the

Jeez, just rent a van and drive your dog to the destination, and along the way solve mysteries with your three friends. Like, zoinks.

"Say, dat's a real nice pooch ya got dare. It sure would be a shame if somethin' happened to 'im durin' da flight ... you know, for just a small fee, I can guarantee dat he'll arrive just fine at da other end."

I can smell that car just looking at the picture of the interior.

You can't beat this thing hard enough. $2000.

Essentially the most reliable vehicle ever manufactured. RWD. Manual. New engine costs $300. Really easy to pop in an LSD if it doesn't already have one. No weight over the rear axle. And you can pretty much do anything with it. Including starting a landscaping business. Oh and clean title too!


The only Dodge Omni on ebay! Take that extra grand, probably $1500 because I bet you could talk him down to fix this thing up.

I say a Pontiac Fiero for $2000 ( or better offer) and the best part is that you can always give them plastic surgeries to make them into Ferraris or Lamborghinis.

This would be pretty fun: