
So the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, etc. shouldn't get out and strut their stuff for their supporting public? I admire watching these teams represent their gear and skills and I'm damn proud of them that their able to do so with the highest level of skill whether it's on a motorcycle or a billion

Douche posting.

You could probably roll one of those things down a ravine before you did any more damage than a scuffed bark buster.

I highly doubt there is anything costing more than a $10 brake lever here and there. Judging by the size and strength of the crash bars on these things that's even a stretch at these speeds. Meanwhile, a high level of skill is being emphasized and encouraged, and practical line holding and object avoidance is being

Wasn't this an episode of "CHiPs"?

No problem. :) I laughed for a bit when I saw the gif, well played.

Pretty cool, but let’s be clear; this is a standard processor, hard drive and motherboard. It’s the case that’s build out of Legos. This has been done a lot.

Airflow looks fantastic! Wait, I mean the opposite of that.

I’m moving down to the city(Detroit) this year. I got a new beater, appropriate.

Why not... wait wait, I know, it’s crazy but just let me get it out... why not just... *gasp* have all the cars available in multiplayer?

I mean, get rid of the invincibility of it when you’re using it in MP and just give it average stats.

GTA V spontaneous combustion confirmed !

I was thinking the same thing, those two cars are pretty similar but the Duke looks way cooler.

I don’t see why we can’t have the Duke O’ Death after they added the armored Kuruma. >_>

Well they are VHS, so if you watched them with any frequency, you probably have to buy them repeatedly. :)

One of my favorite misleading Bloodborne moments was when someone left the note “treasure awaits ahead”, and so I run forward in excitement, like the idiot that I am, and proceed to get slaughtered by a surprise Death Dealer (kidnapping bag-holding giant bastards). It turns out, _I_ was the treasure.

Meh. Give me pure fantasy porn please. I’m not really feeling it with these uncanny valley ones.

It always astounds how people don’t realize that after you become an adult you’re the same person except with responsibilities.

you know i went out to buy mario party 10 for my son for easter , went first to toys-r-us , sold out , went to walmart , game stop , and a few local stores that might have a copy as well . Ended up being told that most places got maybe 10 copies as the most in , and many sold out as the pre-orders took at least 50% if

seems appropriate.

“Hey, sorry we aren’t able to make more Ness, Shulk and Wii Fit Trainer Amiibos, but maybe you should buy this Bowser. We’ll have millions in production, but you don’t know that, and it may be rare one day! So buy, buy , buy!”