I can't even begin to describe how much I appreciate with the complete ditching of GFWL in words, so let this image represent my response to your comment.
I can't even begin to describe how much I appreciate with the complete ditching of GFWL in words, so let this image represent my response to your comment.
Let's hope the port of this will be better than GTA IV's, but the screenshots look great. I can't wait to see what happens when modders get their hands on it! (Some modded GTA IV screens below, for example.)
Those reflections, coupled with the high quality textures, are pretty impressive.
Assuming that they work off of some vacuum based system as other headlights in a similar fashion do, it's no wonder that they're on the fritz. Here's hoping you manage to sort that out, and you do have one lovely Continental. :D
That's my favorite generation of the Continental. The hidden headlights were just so damn cool.
Yet another case of the internet being just as creepy, if not slightly more so, than the source material.
All of them.
It's a great replica, but if you're insane/dumb enough to point that thing at anyone you're asking for trouble.
The point about basically needing friends with mics for the heists to truly be enjoyable is spot on. Though it really sucks when you have three people available and are missing a fourth. I wish the player requirement wasn't so stringent as many of the objectives could be completed by a single person.
You probably could've called the police. Surely that's some form of false imprisonment/extortion, though I'm not entirely sure how the laws work in terms of when a fare is not agreed upon at the beginning of the trip.
In essence, this should work too. xD
That large wall and the...disabling of Balloon Boy would prevent something like this from occurring again, that's for sure.
Relevant (the audio is a little bit quiet, unfortunately);
I've never made that connection before; I thought it was an odd building with columns or something. O_o
I'm glad to say that I've contributed to that indirectly by purchasing all three games.
I hope that the officers and innocent bystanders made it out alright.
The pursuers did a pretty good job of keeping up with a motorcycle while on foot, all things considered.
How many cars/trucks around still have circular headlights? It was a damn fine look, UPS. I suppose that you saw what Google keeps doing to the YouTube layout...