In other news, this video exists, and it's fucking glorious.
Nerd Cubed did a video on this as well. This game falls into the category of "so bad that it's painfully hilarious and yet admirable for trying."
I'd agree with you there; if multiplayer integration risks ruining what makes Elder Scrolls SP so much fun, then leave it SP. With that said, you cannot deny outright that charging through a dungeon and kicking ass would be fun with a friend by your side.
I don't think I could ever bring myself to lease; there's something about never actually owning what you've been putting money toward that doesn't sit right with me, and I generally like having that pride-of-ownership and its benefits in relation to automobiles. To each their own, however.
Thanks; I hadn't even seen the QOTD thread.
I was vaguely aware that there was a multiplayer mod in the works, but did it ever amount to anything?
If we could just have a standard Elder Scrolls game with drop in/out co-op that'd be great. What I wouldn't give to play Skyrim with a friend or two.
Prices of still running cars within that year range perhaps, especially specific models that didn't have many examples in good condition left.
This seems to be a fantastic, and incredibly practical product. Thanks for making me aware of its existence!
He's probably a nice guy, but he endorsed Cash 4 Clunkers after all. That's akin to instant jalop-disapproval.
LA Noire's PC port was a shoddy console port; the game's pop-in is frighteningly bad and many textures are low res. It runs relatively well, but there is so much untapped potential. The 60FPS mod in addition to some sweetFX graphic presets make it a little bit better though
I imagine that sales stagnated because you literally can't buy a new standard sized 3DS from a retailer now. I've looked; everywhere I've been only stocks the XL. I've wanted a standard sized one from the get-go, and thought I'd wait on the new model to come stateside. Low and behold, Nintendo only brings over the…
I don't care for the form factor of the XL and like the faceplates; I do hope that NoA reconsiders (and hopefully puts a goddamn A/C adapter in the box one of these days).
This reminds me of the hidden WW2-era machine gun located outside of the level boundaries in one of the levels in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [the last CoD game I can say that I truly enjoyed].
Definitely jelly; you just got yourself one helluva ride! :D
*commence unintelligible enthusiastic shouting *