
Mind. Blown.


it’s still derivable drive it to new jersey!

This 100%. None of that is a death throe to a Honda Fit and that’s a car that will happily give hundreds of thousands of miles of operation. Any investment into that car is a good one.

Remember a time when form followed function, and when there wasn’t a line on a BMW design that didn’t serve some purpose?

“Hong Kong was known for its nightlife and cheap goods, especially bespoke, finely tailored suits—just the thing a 19-year-old sailor on their first trip outside the country on a big sweaty boat needed.”

Wagon cut out done right!

Is that Kim Jong Un in the Mercedes in that top picture?

I that Kim Jung Un in the merc?

Octopie is delicious, you monster

You must be new here.

Ever since I got my 6+ I have used my ipad and computer less and less. I can go weeks without turning on my personal computer and months without turning on my ipad.

A firm like 1Password is going to get breached once, and then immediately terminate access to everything until the security issue is repaired.

Der kohle rollt.

Lastpass has been hacked before. Because of the way they handle their encryption, everything the hackers got was useless. They’re encrypted in a way that would take about a thousand years to crack with a bank of supercomputers. But there are always surprise developments in IT security, so it’s smart to take

Counterpoint: “Cathay Paciic” never lost a plane.

My dog has you beat. He stole a large untouched Papa Johns pie off my stove and was licking the box clean within about 5 minutes.

Seriously! I get the slip-streaming for this event. But how is this a record if you don’t actually reach the speed by yourself?

The world yawned today as a new land speed record was set for being dragged behind a truck.

This makes me smile on my least favourite day of the week.