Data from other services was transferred to Capcom (e.g Facebook)?
Data from other services was transferred to Capcom (e.g Facebook)?
Because it’s crime to film people in the bathroom without their consent. Especially if they’re children. The fact you don’t see anything fucked up about that says a lot about you...
This is just par for the course...
All donations are tax deductible you dunce. It’s structured that way to encourage and incentivize donating in the first place.
It seems to be iOS only at the moment. But reading manga on iPad is probably the best digital way to read manga.
The game is still amazing and when it finally comes to PC and PS4 later it needs your love so SEGA doesn’t overlook us again on this gem of a series.
I’ve been making props/studio-scale/ect for awhile now, and my lightly OCD side always wonders why you would go through so much trouble to make such an impressive suit, but then skip out/miss on the good details. Like the bucket on this one, you get so close but just skip doing the ears, and do a quickie airbrush job,…
Im really enjoying this game
Fixed, thanks!
It’s a typo.
“I left a series of Xbox Series X boxes at my serious ex’s (Sirius) boxing series one time.”
That’s a real sentence now, thanks to microsoft.
Honestly, I think that’s the main thing I liked about Diablo 3 - how easy it was to just play for a bit. Running some bounties or rifts, or whatever was fast and easy. I can totally see how that experience could be insufficient for someone who wanted to make that one game the main outlet for their leisure hours and…
*plays card*
In an industry where “employees” are reliant on ad revenue why would people switch from the Amazon platform that has 75% of the audience to the one that has barely 3% but owned by a company that’s currently throwing money at everything and anything?
You want stars? I’ll give you stars