So in the end Lelouch became what he started, from Zero
So in the end Lelouch became what he started, from Zero
I thought we would at least get 120 fps 4k on next gen consoles with borderlands 3 :(
We will see KH remake on PS5 exclusive!
I’ve had 14 people eliminated in perfect match
Thank God I refunded the current steam version and waited
I hope this is a close try to “Nintendo Game Pass” (equavelent to xbox game pass)
No virtual console, Switch is cracked like a broken egg , system is barely better than Wii U, has been out for 3 years and we still have we havent recieved a new mario kart seeing how the previous one is a port I think Switch has been mishandled as a “port console” and stuff with games from Nintendo struggle with 60…
I believe that Nintendo is already focusing on the next console and the plan is to treat switch as a “4ds”
As someone who normally ever “Never” completes the game AKA “Backlog King” will this game keep you enough attached that you want to play the entire time (complete-esy flow)?
I dont see these games as “next”-generation games if they are coming for ps4 and xbox one because often; it looks about much as much as a difference as gta 5 does on ps3 and ps4.
One step closer to a sequel! :D
Crysis remaster with mod support will give interesting results! :)
wonder how many will think its simply “get in the robot shinji” when people see how big it is in perspective
So 50 000$ is basically put up a malware in store?
So they put down their service down through the Mixer! *badumtisch*
I dont expect this game to be as remotely close as good as any of the crash bandicoot games, simply because what they did to the previous games was just remaking them
Why make it this... confusing?
They want to avoid the epic bad reviews about the ending
I think it will still be on Origin launcher but u can pay access with steam currency.
To look outside