Why pay $500 for a system and game and then have to pony up at least another $40/year to play a game you can snag for under $50 and play it on a system you own?
Why pay $500 for a system and game and then have to pony up at least another $40/year to play a game you can snag for under $50 and play it on a system you own?
The time of zombies is over.
Honestly if that nets Kotaku some money, I'm all for it. It's harmless, unobjectionable, and I'm sure the PS4 will look and play the same (or maybe even slightly better).
Sony sells $400 consoles. What you are asking for requires much more expensive hardware right now. If that's important to you, you're welcome to spend a couple thousand on the best PC you can buy and wait for game development to catch up.
It's twice as funny with ZOE because that's the cockpit. :3
(J)RPGs will never reach the same numbers as GTA V for three simple reasons;
Its called Yakuza and even though its amazing it doesnt sell well here.
"What.. subtitles.. duhhh.."
Yeah they fixed gameplay, it plays like cod. You can leave now.
Yeah, I'm drawing a blank myself, once I'm done with Bravely Default idk. Uh, Persona Q comes out June in Japan. So maybe that?
Try the Youtube version next time, Ustream has always been crap for me.
...Why not the 3DS as well? ....Why?
Relevant awesomeness
NEED LOCALIZATION my account is US...
This is my issue with Steam sales.
Man. You a 90's kid, yeah? So am I but I'm getting tired of all the "Shit that was made when I was a kid was the only good shit ever" trend going in this age group.
Remember when "Final Fantasy" meant "this is going to be a great experience"?
this guy is a moron. "pulled because they were adddictive?" isn't that the point when you market and create a game? jesus christ. whatever, someone else will just make a clone of it, it won't be like trying to replicate fucking picasso.
If Motomu Toriyama is involved, eventually, fans and haters will all end up in the same boat.