Get a handheld that actually gets games then we'll talk.
Get a handheld that actually gets games then we'll talk.
I still think it's going to tank because of the price, but what do I know?
At this point, there have been so many zombie pranks, that nobody will believe it when the zombie outbreak actually happens. And that's why we'll lose. We all think we're so prepared, but when it comes down to it, nobody will believe it until it's too late.
Good lord those character designs are some of the worst I've seen. What's with the mummy wraps.
That kind of attitude is half the problem with kids in the US, people trying to defend the parents and blame something else (video games for instance) for why kids do these sort of things. Parents need to take responsibility for their children and stop scapegoating irrelevant things as though it's out of their hands…
Now raise your hand if you watched porn in your early teens then raped your sister...right, nobody. You most certainly can blame someone here other than just the kid. The kid obviously has issues that were most likely apparent before he raped his 8 yr old sister. It's not "he did a dumb thing and it's going to cost…
Oh, Japan, I love your antics.
Jim Sterling, always there for a cynical remark.
It looks as bad as Fast and Furious parts 1 through 867. I'm sure someone is still going to like it anyway. But definitely looks likes a bro-movie.
I took the liberty to add the track to the song for ease of use. I think its better haha
I've never understood why there is so much hate for these movies. The second one was pretty bad, but I enjoyed the other two.
God, it's still incomprehensible even when it's simplified. I used to think it was too complex but now I'm pretty sure it's just nonsense.
Cheaper, quicker production cycles. They reuse a lot of models and things and by doing so they can spend far less time making the art, thus speeding up the release time, and making a game that would cost far more money normally, for far less.
The water temple was NEVER difficult. I don't get the internet's obsession with proclaiming how "hard" it was to go through that. It wasn't. Perhaps a bit laborious, but it's not hard.
That doesn't make any sense. Both machines have virtually identical architecture. If anything the Xbone should be easier because it runs on the DirectX API (hence Xbox), so developers should wear it like a glove. The fact of the matter is that because the two machines are now both running on x86 CPUs and are both…
Im a gamer, who doesn't happen to be into MMO's.
They maybe common, but an opinion should be labeled an opinion, and an ad should be labeled an ad.
Bioware also told people that their choices would matter across all three games, then completely ruined it with the ending that they rushed out. So who's more of an asshat, the company that makes promises to people that they can't keep, or the guy that tries to do what he feels should have been done in the first…
Also, Don't Starve is free for PS4 users that have Ps+!