
What the fuck are you talking about?

You realize those statistics in no way incorporate the Wii U?

So it didn't... click... with you?

The whole living in a game world thing drew me in but I thought there could have been more to it.

I recently watched Wreck-It Ralph.

"The hearing took place last week, but the judge..." Wanna finish that sentence Kotaku?

You disappoint me.

This is such a goofy debacle. I can't help but shake my head at how insane U.S. copyright policy is. Everything is in need of an overhaul.

I heard '3D Action' in there!

Why The Last of Us Should Be Game Of The Year: Welp. Here I am, nominating the game that'll probably be near the top of just about every GOTY list on the internet. What a cliché I am.

Get a real job?! His job is no diferent than a tv presenter, no diferent that ign, kotaku or gametrailers guys that work there. He does what he loves and dedicates it's time for its fans!
So your coment is just stupid and childish.

He's like Hollywood's go to guy if they need a Japanese dude. He has monopoly on the role....

I'm sure people who know how to open an image on a new tab find it funny too

The problem with the Chicago law is that it only exists in Chicago. you can drive an hour outside of the city and not have to worry about the laws restricting you. The laws need to be country wide or at least across an entire state before you'll see any real effect.

How come? Maybe it doesn't suit you. But that shouldn't mean that others are forbidden to enjoy it.

Does anyone disagree with the game of the year for GTA V?

Nothing they produce can be worse than The Crystal Skull. So awful.

Good point, usually moreso for the bride than the groom. This does feel a bit over the top, though.

Are not all wedding self indulgent... I mean really.

While you're busy complaining, the rest of us will be over here playing GOTY contender Super Mario 3D World, thanks.