comedy gold
comedy gold
"The only faultless launch so far has been the Wii U."
Biggest version I could find.
I don't mind Conan, I think he's funny and I enjoy him making fun of himself trying to learn games. I just think sometimes these come across as pretty condescending to gamers... and stereotypical, too with cracks like "Get your own apartment, eventually."
For day one that's not a bad launch line up. A good mix of shooters/fighters/racers/adventure and indies. Not bad, Sony. Not bad at all.
What do you expect? This is the launch week for the PS4, of course there's going to be a bunch of news and coverage. I'm sure it's going to be the exact same with the Xbox One. These new consoles only launch every decade.
So Battlefield AND Call of Duty got "Not Yets" (maybe yeses, haven't gone back to check) for doing EVERYTHING the same but Shadow Fall gets a No.
Mass Effect 2 Launch trailer is better than the ME3 trailer posted, just IMO.
Would love to see a brand new series from this dude. MGS4 ended well enough.
Do people still not realise that this is just a character he made up? You should check out his other videos, he's lost a lot of weight.
But he also doesn't think the punishment, as it were, fit the crime. The online reaction to him was swift and nasty.
Considering that even with the aid of this machine, it'll still take DAYS to find ONE shiny, and there are over 700 of these things, I'd say they're still quite rare.
They might disable the Internet browser as well!
I don't like it. Everyone will be running around with perfect Pokemon now, which will make the already legendary infested random matchup worse by adding all these perfect Pokemon to the mix. All I want to do is play the game, and use the team from the game.
Is it really RACIST though?