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    That moment when you have like 4 lines of dialogue and you are still a more memorable villain than anyone from the new movies

    Seems a bit weird to put the blame of lag on “people with bad internet” instead of Nintendo continuing to be incompetent at making online modes despite charging for them now.

    Weirdly enough..out of all the character I wonder how they will adapt Ed.

    Unpopular Opinion:
    Evangelion was fun when it was this show about cool looking mechas fighting weird alien creatures with and interesting cast, some nice themes, nice animation a bit of a mystery going on in the background.

    Then at some point it turns into some angsty pretentious crap with the usual japanese

    Needs more Us millitary

    While I think fans are definitely overreacting, the most surprising part of this is still Blizzard thinking this would go any other way. You could have given any day 1 intern half an hour to research “core gamers” stance on mobile gaming and he/she would have been able to tell you this announcement would go badly.

    You are right I forgot about the Kiwami games.

    Well Kiwami 1 did get a Ps3 release in Japan and I think it was using the same engine as Yakuza 0 so I’d also put it into the “enhanced Ps3 port” category.

    Kiwami 2 was indeed made for Ps4 and uses the same engine as Y6. I’ll be honest, I haven’t picked up Kiwami 2 yet so I

    The only Yakuza that has been made from the ground up for current gen is Yakuza 6 and you can totally see a visual difference.

    Im just going to make a wild guess that 90% of people that didn't know about these DB based sneakers are going to assume those are watermelon themed 

    Wait so has Fortnite not launched in japan? Or was there some exclusive content you could get ?.

    Is probably just a port of the PC version

    Yeah I guess. But I ask because there have been other mangas like Hitman Reborn which was basically a comedy manga for dozens of chapters and then eventually turned into a more traditional action manga (the snow fight which was during its comedy phase is still the best part though)

    So does this get a lot better later on?
    A few years ago I read around 20 chapters to check it out and I didn’t really like it. It was mostly standalone stories with a comedic tone that I didn’t find particularly funny.

    This is becoming an annoying trend in every game I want to pick up on Switch


    Because of the character design ?

    Legacy is really cool. It’s like a story mode from a videogame with the rules, objectives, viruses and the board constantly evolving

    Cant believe I’m saying this but I miss good ol’ microtransactions.

    I actually wish it would be easier to find IPAs in my country. Lots of places don’t even have a single one, others just have like 1 and it’s some super expensive imported brand, and even the ones which do have IPAs at reasonable prices tend to only have 2 or 3.

    I recently moved to a smaller city and here there’s

    This seems a good place to ask: