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    Damn I totally forgot about Lethal League. I wasted hours playing the early web version of this at work with some coworkers (to be fair, it was a small retail store during the summer break time when we had days where we’d only get like 15 customers during the 11 hours we had to be there )

    Dragon Quest, Octopath and Spiderman for me.
    And I’ll pick up Mario tennis by Black Friday 2024 when Nintendo gives it a decent price drop

    I was surprised by the excitement some people showed for this.
    We already got this exact same game, it was called J-Stars Victory....and it sucked.

    These super simplified fighting games rarely manage to stay interesting for more than the time it takes you to try out all the characters. I understand the importance of

    I’ll never get what sort of reaction they expect from stuff like this.
    I get that the game itself might not be a bad idea and might end up making them money, that’s fine. But why announce this during E3?, the big event that is mostly watched by gaming enthusiasts, many of which have strong feelings towards classic

    You know, Chrono Trigger is really good at this but I think JRPG’s in general had better pacing and less bloat back then. And I’m saying this is someone who generally frowns at the “All games were so much better back then!!!” mentality.

    Just looking at the average completion times of some of the most beloved games from

    In theory this is terrible.

    Yep. I kinda enjoyed the first one but the second one was terrible. A lot of time it feels like nothing much happens, somehow I had this idea that the first book was more of an intro and the sequel would get into some big events but they never come. Also, it has the super cringy chapter where he is captured by some

    “Hurry we need to go back in time to stop this from happening...but wait, do we have enough time crystals?”
    “Oh no, we have to go hunt monsters to gather 20 more time crystals to activate the Epoch .... or spend $3.99"

    Eh, the last 2 Star Ocean have been pretty bad so this doesn’t hurt that much.

    But the day they announce a Chrono Trigger/cross sequel and it’s a fucking mobile game, we riot.

    Yeah this game is great. I specially loved the levels and some of the crazy things they did with the visuals.

    Any hope this game had of getting decent support died with the original plan for microtransactions. Now that the game is no longer designed around lootboxes and they had to settle for rushed cosmetics they probably aren’t making as much money as they hoped and they won’t be investing in big new content updates. I’ll

    Trying to get into Total War Warhammer 2.
    It’s my first Total War game and I guess I was expecting something different.

    Somehow in my mind I was imagining Battle For Middle Earth 2 but on an even bigger scale. It’s more strategic which is nice but it also looks 100X clunkier with big clashes looking like a clash between

    I’m surprised it took so long for one of the major consoles to implement this. It always seemed like they were neglecting free money

    Nah, $100 is a lot of money for a lot of people. I think what they would lose in sales from going to $100 wouldn’t be compensated by the extra money they make. Also, board games tend to have more longevity, I still regularly play board games I purchased years ago, but I got the last Tomb Raider on sale for $30 and I’m

    - Cloud saves are free on XB1 (and PC which is also a major gaming platform btw)

    I, for one, welcome the CFW that’s probably going to be released soon.
    I don’t really care about Nintendo online games and if they are going to withhold basic features that are free everywhere else then screw them.

    Before people point fingers at me. I don’t like piracy nor will I pirate Switch games. But I look forward

    I read the same type of comments when people were complaining about microtransaction in Battlefront 2.
    “It’s a waste of time”, “they don’t give a crap about online whiners”.

    I won’t say it turned EA into a consumer friendly company but it definitely ended up having an impact not only on the game but on microtransactions

    So another recycled small map that’s only available for the small scale game modes where it’s often hard to find a game (at least for me).

    That’s a really bad excuse when every other major gaming platform out there at very least offers the option to back up your save files to a usb storage unit (for free).

    It’s not about the money as much as it’s about the fact that if you don’t particularly care about multiplayer on Switch you are still forced to pay $20

    I’m not that pessimistic but I half expect that users will have to back them up manually and there will be no automatic backup feature.