Bears fans aren’t going to stop talking about this win for a long time
Bears fans aren’t going to stop talking about this win for a long time
Yeah if only Matt Stafford had some freakish, once-in-a-generation receiver he could throw to I bet that would put this team over the top.
amazing that it was never set on fire and dunked from 40 feet
I am in no way surprised that a reporter of Windhorst’s stature has the Cavaliers cafeteria menu memorized.
That’s odd - I thought his job was carrying water, not clubs
I actually sort of understand his reticence to come forward with information that would upset Lebron and his crew. If he was forthright, it would probably impact them giving him tips and that is how Caddies make the bulk of their money.
Looks like the folks who said none of the war criminals from the Bush administration will ever face justice spoke a little too soon.
Rice is a shrewd choice for the only organization in America that tortures more people than the Bush administration.
Well, I say let Harvard have it’s football and academics. Yale will always be first in gentlemanly club life.
No, it’s more about the idea that it would wipe out hoards of Harvard and Yale graduates, which inherently makes the world a better place.
A Harvard vs. Yale football game played at Fenway park seems like the perfect opportunity for the stadium to fall into a massive sinkhole.
So what you’re saying is they should’ve just changed it to the poop emoji and been done?
The Marlins’ “brand” is what happens when a business thinks its logo is its brand.
An invisible bed, a freaky ghost bed!
But bustin’ makes me feel good.
The law gives them a depressed minimum wage precisely because there is a reasonable expectation of tipping.
Americans would never stand for a system in which the entirety of the playing cadre was turned over every three or four years. It’s ludicrous to even think they’d fill 80,000 seat stadiums every Saturday to watch it.
Dozens wounded and 12 dead, including an armed police officer, in the latest mass shooting. Fuck your thoughts & prayers NRA and GOP spokesholes!
+1 I know it is unpopular but we should open endless investigations and block everything.
Why is everyone being so negative, we now have a comfortable majority in the House and can do whatever we want to reign in 45. We won a lot of races we expected to lose, cheer up.