What at total piece of fucking shit. This is what privilege looks like: not voting because you’re reasonably certain you’ll be unaffected regardless of who wins—everyone else be damned.
What at total piece of fucking shit. This is what privilege looks like: not voting because you’re reasonably certain you’ll be unaffected regardless of who wins—everyone else be damned.
I don’t agree he’s butt! He has a really nice combination of skills and size, and he was good as hell last season—for many stretches [hot take alert] better than Simmons, in fact. He’s off to a bad start this season but it seems crazy to me that anybody would conclude that makes him butt.
Weird that there are two other writers also named that.
This Is Us on Diet Coke & Methamphetamines
This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”
To dissuade you from moving from Cali (I’ve visited, it’s nice as long as you don’t have to pay rent), allow me to post this story from one of the previous WYTS entries:
If she had said Venezuelan beaver cheese, she should have won a car.
Whoa, buddy. Don’t you go bringin’ your basic reading comprehension skills ‘round these parts.
“Carville, for his part, doubled down on his statement on Twitter, promising to provide documented evidence of this ongoing conspiracy...”
The unnecessarily straight trigger finger - the hallmark of the tacticool Mall Ninja.
Seeing that picture of Anderson kneeling reminds me of another qb who is fully capable of playing.
Um, she wasn’t though. He’s clearly poking fun at himself, the idiot who proposes to girls 5 minutes after meeting them. There was nothing mean-spirited about his joke.
Yeah, I’m Team Pete on this one. He was doing a promo for Saturday Night Live, for fuck’s sake, which is a COMEDY SKETCH SHOW. Ariana Grande’s response was stupidly immature. Quite frankly, I give massive side-eye to anyone who airs their personal issues on a public forum, whether or not they’re a celebrity. The whole…
“Starbucks appears to be striving for a lukewarm medium”
Jesus, Fuller couldn’t catch fire if he was doused in gas. Peterman vs Fuller is like the stoppable force vs the moveable object.
On the other hand, we now know for certain that a guy like Bart really CAN wind up on the Supreme Court someday.
That was a very polite reply, young madam / sir.
You know it's a Buffalo dildo because they all curve to the right.
I still think the show is great, but in my defense, I am not a crackpot.