I’m not understanding the assertion that the Sacramento Kings are an NBA team.
I’m not understanding the assertion that the Sacramento Kings are an NBA team.
ha ha, what a funny name! Who ever heard of an Italian named Kevin
It’s the gif that keeps on giffing.
Bow before the one true GIF
I can’t get worked up over this because I never had any expectations, so I appreciate the thoughtfulness in her post. She laid out her case it out and hopefully moved some voters. She’s not claiming to be Alyssa Milano all the sudden, and the majority of Pop/R&B and Hip-Hop acts aren’t saying much about anything as…
Who do I root for? On one side, we have a nonverbal orange-haired monster, concocted by capital to appeal to and siphon money from unsophisticated rubes, who has irritatingly saturated social media and (perhaps due to forces somewhat beyond his control) politicized sports. The other is Gritty.
You can see clearly at 0:38 that Cousins comes down with all his weight onto Bennett. This absolutely should be a foul of roughing the rusher.
So sick of those glamourpusses Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Stephen Root, John Goodman, Tim Blake Nelson, and Tom Waits hogging the spotlight, eh? ;)
He sounds like the voice that Mos Def used in his cameo on “The Racial Draft”
you figured he would’ve switched to red red wine for that one
It’s hard to find peace in the era of Constant Comment.
She will, though. She’ll just have to chai hard.
I’ll probably be in 800 acres in Texas in the middle of nowhere. Off the grid in a self-sustaining community, just living with no power. Like this is fun and all, but technology is just killing me, man.
It’s gonna take oolong time to get over that day.
“Jaguars Junction” is an independent source of football analysis unaffiliated with any professional sports franchise.
Nobody really knows what to make of this.
Nah, the most obnoxious people on the internet are the ones who have nothing to add to the discussion but do do so anyway. You know, like DC fans popping into an Avengers article to bitch about how many Avengers articles there are, or some rando using outdated stand up comedy bits to bitch about the website they could…
Yes, this is exactly like /b/ or r/coontown or r/t_d.