It would be great if they brought Mercy back. Not only does she have a direct connection to Lena, that was a huge waste of Rhona Mitra.
It would be great if they brought Mercy back. Not only does she have a direct connection to Lena, that was a huge waste of Rhona Mitra.
- James’ sister saying J’onn’s name “sounded cool” is a bit weird since the show pronounces it mostly like the name “John,” unlike other adaptations which slurr the word or have an emphasis to make it sound alien.
I don’t have a problem with Kara facing off against Lex since it’s a natural right of passage for her character to square off against her cousin’s nemesis.
This is the first season I feel like the show has had a confident vision for the duration that it’s been able to execute without messy complications (like actors and showrunners abruptly leaving). Also, the aliens=other metaphor is working for them better than ever.
I already thought this was the best season of Supergirl yet, and this episode kicked it into another gear.
Lex has pretty obviously been the guy pulling the strings on every plot thread this season from the Children of Liberty to Red Kara, so making him into the final boss both isn't that surprising and saves us from a Lena heel turn.
I swear, James will never stop being something of an idiot.
You hang out around super-powered people long enough without dying, you get super-powers yourself. It's standard pay-to-play conditions.
Maybe this is how we finally get Giant Turtle Boy!
Well now I feel bad for ragging on James last week!
If nothing else, I’d love to see more of her and Hailey interact. They’re both really strong-willed, and since Lena doesn’t have to answer to her the way Alex does, there’s a lot of dramatic potential.
IMO, since Lena’s recent ex was shot right before Lex’s debut, this is a Lex shenanigan to manipulate her.
Lena is going to use her science to save James, but it’s going to turn him into a giant turtle man.
After endless weeks of the AV Club hyping this up sight unseen, it’s nice to see it get a mediocre review here.
If Captain Marvel is going to lead the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward, I hope the writers can figure out a way to make her more compelling, and soon. Based on Ignatiy’ review, I’m a bit worried for the next phase of Marvel after it loses its existing leads. Captain Marvel in the comics hasn’t always been the…
It’s kinda hilarious how whenever the us air force funds a movie it never turns out good.
Kool-aid dye job. It’s not just for 1980s punks and new wavers!
Loved the episode. Especially the fact that Black colored his hair purple just to form his team. The Elite seemed to have a lot of fun being bad!
Great movie and acting, TERRIBLE animation designs. You can thank them putting more money into the next movie, Dark Knight Returns, for that one.
I’m pretty sure that Lena said that she is providing them product, just not process.